Chat with us! We've got a blue chat icon in the bottom-right of our website via your dashboard or which our customer champions are answering every Mon-Fri from 9am-5:30pm.
We typically get back to your chat in 1 working day unless it's urgent (e.g. you need a faster claim outcome to continue your fur-baby's treatment or find yourself in a situation where you need your claim payment ASAP). We will prioritise these urgent requests within the same working day.
We don't have an inbound phone line, however you can chat to us over the phone using our callback service.
To book a call, tell us what you'd like to talk about in a chat or email to us by. So we can help you as best we can on the call, please ask to 'talk to a person on the phone' and give as much detail about your query as you can in your message. Then one of our customer champions will send you a calendar where you can book a call at a time that suits you.
If you need fast medical advice for your pet, then you can call FirstVet in your dashboard 24/7. If your pet has an emergency, please contact your vets immediately as we can't offer health advice ourselves.
We don't yet pre-authorise emergency claims, so if you need advice at an emergency vet clinic, follow your vet's advice and we'll be there for you when they submit a claim through our vet portal after the treatment's been done. You can find out more about what you can do if you need a pre-authorisation here, and of course you can chat with us for emotional support.