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How can I cancel my policy?
How can I cancel my policy?
Updated over a week ago

We’re sorry to see you go but if you would like to cancel your policy, you can click "cancel your policy" here.

Cancellation within the first 14 days

If you cancel your policy within the first 14 days of the policy, you'll get a full refund for any premiums you paid.

Cancellation after 14 days

If you cancel your policy but you’re doing it more than 14 days after your policy started, we'll provide a pro rata refund for any premiums you've overpaid.

If you're due any refund for your cancellation, refunds usually take 5-7 working days once the cancellation has been finalised. This can depend on whether you have a submitted payment and our system needs that payment to go ahead before we can refund you. If you're not sure, just contact us and we'll be more than happy to look further into this for you.

If you want to cancel your policy because your pet has passed away, please contact to discuss the next steps.

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